Sat. Feb 22nd, 2025

Hi! Welcome to our blog, Trendphobia. The aim of trendphobia is to inspire people to create an ideal lifestyle for themselves. With this aim, in today’s blog, we are going to talk about one of the major concerns in the modern time- Anxiety. I have listed some ways which can help one deal with the problems of anxiety to get one step closer to living a healthier and happier life.

Disclaimer: The information provided in this blog is for general informational purposes only. The website does not provide any medical or professional advice. Please consult a doctor or medical healthcare provider for treatment, diagnosis or any medical advice.

Someone who has experienced severe anxiety in the past, I know how it feels. There is always this fear that you will never be able to escape it no matter how much you try. But it gets better, I promise. Since I couldn’t afford therapy, I decided to help myself by myself. In the beginning, I tried to do everything that the articles that I would read online had to advise. I would do it all and yet I wouldn’t see any changes.

Things really started to work for me when I started taking things slow. Here, I have listed 7 ways that can help you deal with anxiety. But before you try that, here’s my advice to you.

Take it Slow and Be Patient

Don’t be too hard on yourself. Making a decision to help yourself is a very big achievement in itself. Improvement takes time. You want to get there, not quickly but slowly and effectively. If you go overboard in the beginning, you’ll be exhausted very soon which will make you want to give up. You have to be patient with yourself. Allow yourself to accept the existence of pain in order to release it. Gradually, taking one thing at a time, incorporating one habit at a time, you want to make things better for you.

Read more like this: 6 Morning Habits You need to Build

Speaking of making things better, let’s look into the things that I tried which actually helped me get better. Here are 7 ways that may help you deal with anxiety:

1. Morning exercise

Source : Freepik

Any form of physical activity is said to relieve symptoms of anxiety as well as depression. Exercise doesn’t have to be too rigorous or for too long. If half hour feels too much, start with 10 minutes in the beginning, then slowly up it to 15, then 20, then 30 and maybe go higher after that if you feel like it. You want to throw all the built up tension in the body outside, and exercise is a great tool to do that. I started with Basic Yoga exercises followed by few breathing techniques.

One of the most effective breathing techniques that worked for me was Bhastrika Pranayam.

2. Try Bhastrika Pranayam (Breathing Technique)

Source : Image by pressfoto on Freepik

When I came to know about Bhastrika Pranayam, I started practicing it every morning and started seeing results faster than I had before. Bhastrika Pranayam has several mental as well as physical benefits. The vibration it causes through the body and the brain instantly makes you feel so much relaxed and calm. The feeling of not being able to breathe is very familiar to people with anxiety. Practicing this technique helps with respiratory diseases and also helps pump oxygen in the body. This may be one of the reasons why it made me feel better. I felt like I could breathe more openly.

To know, how to practice Bhastrika Pranayam, see here.

To read about the benefits and precautions you need to take before practicing Bhastrika, see here.

3. Write whatever comes to mind

Source : Image by jcomp on Freepik

Pick up a notebook or a paper and write. Write anything that comes to mind. One word, one sentence, doesn’t matter. For a lot of people and from my personal experience, what comes to mind is this- “I don’t know what to write.” Well, you write that very same thing because that also counts as a thought. The reason why you’re doing this in the very first place is because you don’t understand it. Hence, the very first thing to do is to be honest about it, being honest about not getting it.

The habit to write down your thoughts can help you see what goes on in your mind most of the time. From there, you can get an idea of what bothers you the most. While writing, you are able to put your thoughts into words, which helps you get a clear understanding of the problem and may even help you get to the root cause of it.

Read more like this : Self Care : How to Practice it?

4. Ask for a hug

source : Image by Freepik

When I would begin to feel anxious, I would go to my mom and hug her from the back. I am not a hugger, really. It’s weird to hug each other in most middle class Indian families. But my mother, she didn’t ask questions, didn’t judge me. She would sometimes try to pull away from me, but I would cling to her. I would chuckle, cry in a baby voice making her think that I’m just being childish, nothing serious. But I just wanted a hug without letting anyone know how I was actually feeling. Maybe you could try doing that if you are not emotionally expressive.

If not a family member, ask a friend. Make it awkward with friends if need be. That’s what friends are for! To live through our awkward experiences in life.

5. Lie down on the floor

Source : Image by yanalya on Freepik

There’s something about lying down on the floor that feels therapeutic. You suddenly become so aware of your whole body and your heartbeat that it doesn’t feel so hard to control it. There is a similar practice in Yoga called ‘Savasana’ where you basically lie down on the floor with your arms and legs extended. It’s meant for putting your body in a rest mode and help you feel grounded and relaxed.

Read more like this: Solitude – A Way to Reconnect with Yourself

6. Avoid using social media 2 hours before bed

Source : Image by yanalya on Freepik

Social media is the last place you should go to in order to find solace. The instant gratification provided by the use of social media causes you to feel stressed and worried the other times, when you’re not using social media. Besides, the blue light emitted through our phone/laptop’s screens as well as LED lights affects the production of melatonin (hormone responsible for causing feelings of sleepiness) in our body. Instead, read a book or go for a stroll in the moonlight which may cause you to feel tired and sleepy.

7. Mediation before going to bed at night

Source : Image by yanalya on Freepik

Falling asleep can be a very difficult task when you are dealing with anxiety. You keep tossing and turning or just sit in your bed silently with multiple distressing thoughts racing in your head. In order to fall asleep, both your body and mind needs to slow down.

Meditation before going to bed can be helpful in calming your nerves. Lie flat on your back with your eyes closed and try to focus on your breath as much as possible. Slowly bring your focus towards different parts of your body, release the tension that you may be holding in any of the parts of your body. This may seem difficult to follow for the first few times, but you’ll get there. Just be patient.

Ask for help

Lastly, don’t feel afraid or shy to ask for help. We are social beings and very much dependent on each other for survival. You may feel alone and lonely, but you don’t have to. Share your feelings with your friends and family, let them know if you’re not feeling okay. Sometimes, people who love us are not able to see through us so they don’t realize that we’re suffering. We can help them know that.

Your emotions are absolutely valid and nothing to be ashamed of. All of it is being part of a human. So don’t ever be afraid to let other people help you.

Thank you for reading!

I hope this helped. Trendphobia explores variety of topics related to travel, health, relationships, career and more. Stay updated for more content like this and follow our blog, trendphobia.

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